We are proud to present our collaborator:
ELASTOQUIM is a company that distributes raw materials for the Iberian Peninsula industry since 1991. We exclusively represent major global chemical manufacturers in Spain and Portugal. Our aim is to offer customers and suppliers a group of people, who are completely trustworthy, to obtain product quality, personalized service and effective logistics to develop designed projects in a favorable manner. To achieve these aims we have sales representatives in the different industrial areas of the Iberian Peninsula, with headquarters with the necessary administrative staff and agreements with major logistical operators, specialized in storing and transporting chemicals.
ELASTOQUIM will promote Cos.t.A. lines and machinery in Spain and Portugal, for all your needs please contact:
Ernesto Duo
Director Comercial | Sales Manager
Email: e.duo@elastoquim.es
Phone: +34 649403016
Skype: ernestoduo
Linkedin: ernesto-duo-ahedo